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Energiya - [Russian] - means energy, and is themed around energy centres in our body, which was inspired by the chakra system. Even though the inspiration is primarily around the new age colour assignments and meanings, its origin is much deeper than that.

More information on this is at the bottom of the page. 

What are Chakras?

Although the concept of energy centres within the body is evident in other major religions, I'd like to go over the summary of my research of the chakra system specifically. 

In modern terms, there are 7 key vortices of energy - referred to as chakras, which are associated with our spiritual, physical, mental and emotional being. All chakras are interconnected with each other and serve as receptors of energy that comes from the universe and the divine. 

Origin & History

The chakra system is an eastern philosophy that originated in India between 1500 and 500 BCE and is primarily used in Tantra, Hinduism and some form of Buddhism.  Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which means "wheel" - one could imagine it as a spinning whirl of energy, allowing you to connect with oneness.

It's important to acknowledge that the modern interpretation of the chakra system has been taken out of its original context. Its simplicity, colour assignment, and static positions are a result of Western adaptation.  The colour assignment is said to have been founded by a belief system originated from the Theosophical society - established by mystics, Madame Blavatsky and Henry Olcott. Blavatsky, originally from Russia, travelled to India in the late 1800s as she believed that it was the place to discover the truest occult teachings. 

In closing, my personal beliefs around ancient philosophies is that we all have something to learn from each other. I always wondered what it would be like if we somehow united all the ancient teachings together. It's a difficult concept to grasp, but I think we weren't just put on this earth to be divided in beliefs and knowledge. We are one. 
